Saving the world together.

Donate to the most impactful change-makers with the move of a slider.

Our Mission

But how to manage donations when you learn new things about charities or start to care about new causes? Or even, when your budget changes?

Cordial Credit makes all of it easy.

We want to make recurring donations as easy as they can be. We believe that making it easier to stay engaged in creating a better world is the key to a better future.


It’s that easy.


Visit a website of the charity you want to support.


If you’re not sure which charities, NGOs, and other nonprofits deserve your help and resonate with you, check out the services that provide all you need to know to choose consciously. Take a look at Charity Navigator, National Philanthropic Trust, Philanthropy Roundtable, or Philanthropy News Digest.

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Let us know about your choice.


If you’re in for a real comfort, we have a browser extension for you. That’s the way of using Cordial Credit that we recommend. Just open it while being on a website of a nonprofit.

You can always just go to and search for that charity, or copy/paste it’s web address.

We keep growing the network of our partners. They are either nonprofits or publishers that write about them. If you’ll visit their website you will see a Cordial Credit widget that lets you allocate your funds to that charity.

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Move the slider.


No matter if you’re using our browser extension, or our website or a widget, all you need to do to allocate your funds is to move a slider. If you keep it close to 0, you will support this charity only slightly, if you move it all the way to the right, a significant portion of your charity budget will go there. And that’s it. You don’t have to do anything else.

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Once per month we’ll ask you for one click of a button

Once per month we’ll ask you to review the list of your charity donations, and then, with one click of a button you’ll send a transfer to all these charities. Even if it’s less than $1, you will not be charged for individual donations. We only have a fixed fee of 3% of your total monthly budget.

We ask you about your monthly budget during registration. You can always change this amount, or it can stay the same no matter if you support one charity or a 100 of them.

Until now many aspects of setting up recurring donations weren’t easy. Cordial Credit changed that.


Before Cordial Credit

With Cordial Credit

I want to spend more on the charities I already support. Every charity has their own set of payment options. For example if you donate to WFP, you have to send an email and ask for changing the giving level. Change one field (your budget) on (all the charities will get a higher donation).
I want to lower my monthly charity spendings by half but only for this month. Cancel donations to some charities (even if I care about them as much as I care about the others) and then resubscribe again next month. Changing the giving level for multiple charities is just too time consuming. Change the budget field on and select a checkbox “just for this month” (all the charities will get half of your usual donation to them).
I want to support one more charity, but I already reached the giving level I’m comfortable with. Cancel donations to some charities, and subscribe to the new one by using one of the payment options they support. Go to the charity website, and move the Cordial Credit slider to the percentage of your budget you’d like to donate to them (the budget of all other charities will be automatically lowered accordingly).
I want to manage all my donations from one place. We did not find a single service that provides this feature. Donations management was focused more on the charity-side of donating. In a way, it was more about receiving than about giving. You can always review the list of charities you want to support. Add new ones, update giving level, or remove some of them.

If you want to partner with us, we’d love to hear from you.